LTC 799
LTC 799: Standards of Excellence in Interscholastic Athletic Programs
This course has two purposes and potential benefits for high school athletic administrators. For those athletic administrators who are new to the profession, the course provides references to a variety of best practices outlined in 27 NIAAA Leadership Training Courses (LTCs) including concepts, strategies, and suggested best practices. Whether working to improve a program or looking for long-range strategic planning guidance, this overview of 27 course components will inspire and encourage significant review, change, and visionary growth. The course manual provides nine chapters that are summarized with detailed checklists developed from topics experienced in the other LTCs. For the more experienced athletic administrator, the same planning and guidance can be derived. However, an additional benefit and incentive discussed in the course is an opportunity to seek the NIAAA Recognition of Program Excellence. This recognition program will identify an exemplary athletic program through the Quality Program Award (QPA) process. The LTC 799 information (its resources, rubrics, and applicable examples) provides guidance of the assessment instrument describing in detail, important components (policies, operations, and best practices) of an educationally sound interscholastic athletic program. This course is required for athletic administrators applying for the QPA at the Exemplary Level.
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